
Difference between Microsoft Ads and Google Ads

Google Ads VS Bing Ads


Advertisers may easily import their campaigns from Google Ads into Microsoft Ads. The most common mistake is when people optimize their Microsoft Ads account the same way they do their Google Ads account. Advertisers must know the differences between the two advertising platforms to optimize their campaigns efficiently.

The key difference between Microsoft Ads and Google Ads is that Bing Ads provides more transparency and control over search partner targeting. At the campaign level, Google gives paid search marketers two options: to target just Google search or target Google search and search partners. There is no alternative.
Interesting, isn’t it? Most of us thought that Google Ads were incomparable! Well, we might be wrong. Let’s explore the differences between Google Ads and Microsoft Ads to conclude which is better.

How are Google and Microsoft Ads different?

Ad scheduling

Ad scheduling is one method by which customers target their advertising or make specific bid modifications. Advertisers can select the day of the week and time of day that their adverts should run. They can also set aside specific periods to make bid revisions.

Advertisers might want to avoid automatically adjusting their ad schedules in Google Ads and Microsoft Ads similarly. Keeping in mind that there are various channels, you should be aware of how each one handles ad scheduling and review the data to determine which channel works the best for your account.

Google Ads alerts you of the time zone your account is in when you attempt to change your ad schedule there. This is so because the time zone you selected when you created your Google Ads account determines how often your ads appear on Google. The account targets all days and all hours and operates in Pacific Time. Users on Eastern Time would view the advertisements from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. if this account, which targets the United States, changed the hours to 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If the advertiser wants to maintain every zone set to the same hours, although this is not optimal, they will need to develop several campaigns.

Microsoft Ads has altered the process of scheduling advertisements. Microsoft based its ad scheduling decisions on the location of the person seeing the advertising. Therefore, the same marketer may run this campaign with only one person, target the whole United States, and limit the time period to 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Choices for targeting search partners

Both Google Ads and Microsoft Ads have search partner networks. These other websites allow advertisers to distribute their search network advertisements outside the two major domains, and The channels in this area differ slightly in a few ways. There are distinctions between the search partner networks that Google and Microsoft have and how we may target each network.

At the campaign level, Google’s search partners are further customized. At the level of the ad group, Microsoft allows us to choose how our ad network is distributed.
Numerous websites, including and other Google websites like YouTube, are part of Google’s Search Partner Network. Google will automatically include your campaigns in the Search Partners option by default. It merely takes two mouse clicks to delete partners and save the settings if you see that the results for search partners are unsatisfactory when segmenting your campaign data. Unfortunately, Google only offers “all in” or “all out” targeting options for search partners. In Google, you cannot limit your targeting to search partners.

You can see that, in addition to Bing, your advertising may appear on the AOL and Yahoo networks when you modify your distribution options in Microsoft Ads. It is disappointing that, unlike Google, you cannot tailor your search network advertisements just to Even if you only wanted to target search network websites, you would still need to choose Bing, AOL, and Yahoo.

Google Ads first implements changes

This isn’t a practical difference, but it is a well-known fact worth mentioning for individuals who like participating in cutting-edge features and technological advancements.
When it comes to most innovations in search advertising, Google is the pioneer. They often create, announce, and roll out upgrades and new features, and soon Microsoft will do the same.

This isn’t a deal-breaker for many marketers. Many will take a backseat and watch industry leaders experiment with new features to determine how to utilize them most profitably before jumping in themselves. However, Google Ads has a certain edge here that’s worth highlighting for individuals who are invested in getting their hands on the newest and best, especially when any new features are essential.

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